Rankin Live!

his summer you can see two Rankin exhibitions in one at London's Old Truman Brewery. The Retrospective is a gallery of 600 images taken from Rankin's vast portfolio spanning 20 years work - including fashion, beauty, portraiture and more, displaying images of everyone from Kate Moss to the Queen.

The second part of the exhibition, Shoot Me, Rankin, will involve 1,000 members of the British public getting their photograph taken live by Rankin - and having their portrait hung in the exhibition within 15 minutes. The lucky models will then be able to purchase their portraits for just £50, with all profits going to Oxfam.

Rankin has also filmed four videos featuring celebrities explaining how to shoot like a pro. Check them out now!

You can see the exhibition from 31 July - 18 September at Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London.

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