Diane Von Furstenberg for Spring 2010 #NYFW Mac Face Chart

Diane Von Furstenberg for Spring 2010 NYFW Mac Face Chart. Learn how to get the look that Diane used in her show for fashion week. All Mac Products of Course!

* Face and Body Foundation – blended over skin.
* Mineralize Skinfinish – powdered over t-zone to set.
* Pink Crushed Metal Pigment – brushed from corners of outer eye down along tops of cheekbone.

* Zoom Lash Zoomblack Mascara – brushed through curled lashes, on top and bottom.
* Pearl Cream Colour Base – sheered onto lid with finger.
* Lightest Gold Crushed Metal Pigment – applied at lash line.
* Pinky Bronze Crushed Metal Pigment – brushed onto eyelid.
* Copper Sparkle Crushed Metal Pigment – buffed into crease.

* Ember Glow LipGlass – brushed onto lips for slight shine.

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